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Wednesday, September 15, 2010

~In the next 10 years~

People often ask why I felt turning 30 was such a monumental event. There are so many reasons. The first ones that come to mind are.....

(1) I'M 30 Hello! I very clearly remember being half this age. I remember thinking life moved so slow and I would never grow up. I think about these times and that Brad Paisley song "Letter to me" comes to mind. If you could conceive how fast time would fly when you "grow up" you really might learn to enjoy all those awkward teenage years.

(2.) I swore I would be someone by now! I remember when the kids were little and I would say "I will go back to school when they all start school" Well........the kids are all well into school and have I gone back to school? As a matter of fact have I done much of anything I "said" I was going to do?

(3.) My butt is still huge! 8 1/2 years later, can you still blame the baby? I do. I just feel bad when she is standing there.

(4.) I am about to be the mother of a real live teenager. eek!

When I turn 40 (in the next 10 years), all my children will be legal adults. Where do you go from there? I will have attended more ball games & ballets than I will be able to count. I pray my children will walk away from their childhood with fond memories when they look back. I hope they don't just remember the crazy, frantic packing of lunch boxes and frustration of home work. The drama that explodes every week because cheer bloomers are ALWAYS missing.

I want to find myself in this next 10 years as well. I want to develop my own sense of style. Sounds crazy I know. However, I think as mothers we lose a little bit of our style in the jogging suits of motherhood. We all wear them. That's how you know another MOM out on the street. Nice looking lady in a 2pc track suit, cute hair, enough make up to make us appear semi-rested and flip flops. That's how you tell the mommas from the athletes. flip flops! We don't intend to run, unless of course little Jr. is in danger. Otherwise we all know that none of us has the energy for all of that.

I have so many plans but we will see what actually happens. I just can't believe how fast these 30 years have flown by. There are so many things I want do & places I want go. I am just so thankful that God has given me awesome kids and my beautiful amazing hubby to do it with.

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