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Wednesday, January 13, 2010


I am on a diet! Now you know. I have not put it on here because quiet frankly I didn't want to be accountable. If you see me you might ask me about it and I didn't wanna deal. Well that won't make my butt smaller now will it? I joined weight watchers and nothing happened, guess paying the monthly fee doesn't a skinny girl make! Hmmmm funny how that works.

So now you know. I am turning 30 this year (that hurt to type) and I don't want this extra person on my backside (front side and under my arms) to go with me.

I did a 10 minute workout this morning from the ON DEMAND thing on T.V.
I ate a waffle with a tbsp of Peanut Butter on it and a banana.

My abs are on fire and I didn't even know i had abs. My luck its my appendix or something stupid like that!

Well now you know. Whoever you are. Good for me no one reads this thing.


Shyla said...

I read it :)
You should look into t-tapp. There are a lot of really good success stories. It's a 15 minute per day exercise video. I've been doing it, it's pretty easy. And short! I have a few friends that have had significant inch loss with it.

Traci said...

I'm with you. I'm doing the Wii Active.