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Monday, March 24, 2008


That's where I feel like i went yesterday. My father-in-law does an egg hunt to rival the city wide egg hunt. Nothing like 20+ kids trapped in a hallway screaming "IS IT TIME?" Well in the process of the massive Easter egg hunt we lose IT! IT is Wesley's black suited Spiderman (venom)! Well all I can think is "Hope Ya'll had a Happy Easter because mine just got shot down the..................... lets say road!" New Hunt! We are now all hunting for SpiderMan! Well, not all of us because as I am looking through all the kids baskets like some kind of crazed candy monger I hear my sister say " uhhhhhhhh Rachel" in a panicked tone. Nash has his head stuck in between the slats of the TREE HOUSE! (as i type this I am laughing so hard I am about to pee) He is screaming stomping and has a stream of snot running down the 5feet to his mom on the ground! Chad (his dad) climbs up the ladder to the tree house with the baby (we don't know why, don't ask) and then sends him down the slide to me (again don't know). Now, if you had been there you would know my mom had just told Nash if he didn't stop putting his head in there we would have to cut his ears off! So, what does he have to ponder while his head is TRAPPED!

My father-in-law (aka the fire chief) has rapidly accessed the situation and has folded Nash's ears in and is telling chad to raise him up and pull while he pushes! I hear him saying it has to go back in where it came out! Meanwhile I am crying I look over and my sister is crying, nope wait she's laughing! In her defense she does that when she is nervous. So after what seems like forever of him getting pulled and slapped he is FREE! and very upset. He gets an extra toy from the stack! Did I mention that for every egg they find with a piece of paper (there are 60 of these) they get a new toy!
So it now looks like CHRISTMAS MORNING at my house. None of these new toys pacified the fact that we still can't find IT! April (steven's sister) took him home with her to keep him busy while we looked or purchased a suitable replacement!

Pap found it and got to be the HERO for the 2nd time yesterday.


Shyla said...

THAT is one funny story, thanks for the laugh :o)

Glad to hear all is well with Spiderman too...whew!

Happy Spring, hope to see you guys at the banquet!

Traci said...

What a day! Sounds a little too exciting!